Free Way Motion Works
Three area’s of health are needed to achieve body composition maintenance, which are Diet, Activity and Stress. Here at Free Way Motion Works (FWMW) we provide great information about each topic to arm you with the information needed to gain the body you desire.
Your diet is not something you temporarily go on, you’re on it all the time. Everything you place into your mouth, food and drink, will form your diet. Balance is the key with including all the vitamins & nutrients each and everyday.
The more you move around the greater success you’ll have in forming your bodies composition to the figure you want. This includes everything for walking more often to gut-wrenching workouts.
Manage your emotions, sleep, finances and the other people around you. Our body has a hormone in it called cortisol, which is exacerbated by stress. Cortisol will help gain fat and lose muscle, the very opposite of what we want.
As you take a journey through our website, we will help shape your mind for success by breaking down what works and keeping you away from the things that don’t. Read one article at a time and absorb the information it contains.
Welcome to Free Way Motion Works!

Advantages of Working Out at 70% of Your Maximum Capacity
Working out has long been a “no pain – no gain” type of mentality. However, many of the top athletes, who work out every day, never go all out or completely tire themselves out when it comes to their workouts. It has been noted in several journals, magazines, and studies that if you work out at about 70% of your personal max every day, you’ll wake up the next day feeling great and never be as sore if you gave it your maximum effort during your workout.
When working out or exercising every day, it’s impossible to go at 100% each time. If you went at your maximum each workout you will develop DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
Once sore from a workout you’re:
- more likely not going to work out the next day
- more likely not getting a good workout the following day if you do workout
- dread the workout your about to do the next day
- if you dread working out it’s not fun and
- If it’s not fun, you’ll most likely not keep working out for the long haul.
Working out should be fun!
When you first decide to work out, the first time in a while, you most likely go light on the workout to ease your body back into the activity. If you go back to working out two, three, four days in a row, you should maintain that pace in week two because you’re most likely having fun. If you have fun, you’re going to work out more often, adding to your activity and get into shape quicker.
In world wrestling, the Russians are far superior to the U.S. The main difference in what the Russians do is they never spar at 100%, they go at about 60 – 70%. This allows each sparring partner to battle and learn from each other’s moves. If they spar at 70% for 2 hours a day at 5 days a week, they would end up training for over 500 hours in one year. U.S. wrestlers spar at 90% for two hours twice a week. U.S. wrestlers typically get over 200 hours of training within one year. With a difference of 300 plus hours is why the Russians tend to be superior at the same sport.
Arnold Schwarzenegger in the prime of his training would go workout for an hour and a half each day at about 60 – 70% and be done. This allowed him to work out every day.
NFL football players don’t train hard during the week. They have a hard day during the game, but most of the week they’re training at 50 – 70% max to prepare for the weeks game. If they went hard during practice, the players would not be at their best during the game.
How should the average person exercise or workout?
Example: if you were to do pull-ups and your max is 10 a nice round number, you couldn’t do 11 on your own without help. You should only do 6 or 7 pull-ups! The reason is so you don’t feel sore the next day. You should wake up and feel great, refresh and looking forward to doing 6 – 7 more pull-ups that day.
If you did 10 pull-ups, you would be sore, not feeling good and there would be no way you would be even able to come close to doing 10 more pull-ups that next day.
Have fun at the gym, on the track or wherever you get your activity in during the day. The longer you can sustain working out everyday the longer you’ll continue to do it.

Not Enough Time to Focus On Dieting
A big reason why diets fail is not enough time to give it enough focus. A stay at home mom with 2 or 3 kids all needing her attention. She gets up in the morning, maybe have enough time to chug a cup of coffee and a piece of toast before getting the kids up. Making breakfast for the kids, getting them to cooperate and actually eat the food, getting them to the bathroom, changing them into their school clothes, packing their lunches, checking their school bags, dealing with the whining, brushing their hair and getting them out the door. After she drops her kids off at school, she needs to run multiple stops, like food shopping for dinner, coming home and putting all the groceries away. Now it’s time to fill in paperwork for each child, sign them up for activities and now she is late to pick her kids up from school.
After she has picked the kids up from school, she needs to get them home feed, change and out the door for sports, dance, play dates and anything else. When all this is done, she needs to get home and cook dinner for her family, make sure everyone eats and clean up afterward.
Now it’s time for homework, which she may have help with dad being home and then get the kids to bed. Change them into their pajamas, brush their teeth, deal with more whining and get them to go to sleep.
Tomorrow she will be running this same exact schedule! How in the world is this mother/You suppose to focus on her diet with that schedule?
Solutions for a Mother with this Schedule
A solution is to have a system, in place, that’s easy to follow. A brainless system that is so easy she doesn’t need to think about what she is doing. The system will need to replace the grab and go unhealthy food she eats with something that controls her diet.
Example of these systems are:
Herbalife is an easy way to keep calories low and get all the vitamins and nutrients. They have meal replacement shakes at a low calorie and help satisfy hunger. And 75 plus other products to customize to your specific needs. If you connect with a distributor online, you can easily ask a question via email and not have to worry about joining some business.
The best place to buy Herbalife products online is
Isagenix has systems in place to really help with the calorie reduction. They have a 9 day cleanse to jolt your system for weight loss and a 30-day system to get all the dieting done with-in a small amount of time. Like Herbalife, they have shakes to control calories and products to support getting the proper amount of vitamins and nutrients.
The best place to buy Isagenix products online is
Nutrisystem is a buy your food ahead of time and customizes a system that allows you to grab and go. The food they sell is all pre-packaged and easy to follow. They also have meal replacement shakes to help with busy people.
The best place to order Nutrisystem is
Bad Diets to follow for this type of Mother
There are some bad diets for a mother like our busy one to follow. They are any diet that requires a lot of time and attention. Those diets are weight watchers, ketogenic, paleo, plant-based, vegetarian etc. Not that these diets don’t work, they do work, they just require too much time and attention for a busy person to follow. Therefore, these diets have a high drop off rate after 3 weeks and a plateau with what the scale reads.
How fat loss works in your body
Knowing The Truth About Losing Fat
It’s important to be crystal clear about the goal we’re looking to achieve with weight loss. We want to lose fat, not necessary weight. So, the first step in losing fat is understand what it it, what it does and how it all works. This video’s transcript below the video.
Now this is information that you’re not likely to find in magazines, newspapers, on TV or even in some diet books. Sadly – if you find a personal trainer there’s also a good chance that they wouldn’t be totally clear on this either and that’s why I want to give you the correct information which is based on scientific research. But I’m gonna make it easy for you to understand it, because it’s important but next – nobody hears about it so let’s take a quick look at how exactly your body manages the fat that’s stored and the fat that’s burned up for energy as you go about your day.
Most likely you fit in a few meals and a few snacks let’s say some cereal or toast in the morning a sandwich at lunchtime and then dinner with some rice some pasta or some bread in between you might have some fruit a muffin granola bar or perhaps a nice coffee from your local Starbucks. All of those foods have a certain kind of nutrient in them. Carbohydrate foods can be made up of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Different foods have different amounts of each so meat for example is all protein and fat, bread is largely carbohydrate some protein and barely any fat at all.
As carbohydrates are eaten they get digested and converted into a form of sugar in your bloodstream, and there’s sugar called glucose, is then used by the body for energy. The level of glucose in your blood needs to be balanced quite delicately between a certain range. If there’s too much or too little, then things can get dangerous or even deadly.
So, your body uses a clever process of storing away any excess glucose when there’s too much and it does this by sending insulin around the blood which tells muscle cells and fat cells that they should absorb some glucose from the blood. The body continues to do this until the glucose level is at a safe amount. So, glucose is absorbed by muscle cells and used immediately or stored for later use and glucose is also absorbed by fat cells where it joins with fatty acids and is stored for future use. Muscles have a limit to how much they can store, so if there’s a lot of extra glucose then most of it will need to go into your fat cells. If you go for a period of time without eating, perhaps a few hours, then you have little or no insulin in your blood and your fat cells are free to release their stored energy back into your bloodstream for you to use. This can only happen when there’s no insulin present.
The logic behind this is that if there’s insulin, that means that there’s already too much glucose in the blood and therefore the fat cells definitely shouldn’t release anymore. So, when there’s no insulin present the fat cells can release their energy into the bloodstream for you to use .
If you eat another meal or a snack with some carbohydrates in it, then the odds are that some more insulin will be released so your body can balance your blood sugar levels again. For most people this is a process that happens a number of times each day and this is why some diets recommend eating five or six times a day so that your blood sugar levels are more even. But, that doesn’t get to the basis of why we gain fat and how we can burn it up again.
Though over years of eating meals and snacks and releasing insulin the muscle cells and the fat cells tend to get a little def to insulins message. And the bigger the snacks have been the bigger this effect now this means that the body needs to release more insulin to make sure that the muscle and the fat cells do what they need to do.
And therefore, the periods of time when insulin is not present tend to get shorter or in fact it may be that the only time when insulin isn’t present is overnight, depending on your eating habits while you sleep after you’ve digested the last of your food.
There is most likely a period of time when you are using your own fat for energy and this is possible, because insulin won’t be present in your bloodstream. Now you might be asking, what about those muscle cells they use glucose for energy and that’s absolutely true they use energy. You eat to move you around all day long, the key to the muscle cells however is that they are incredibly efficient and for many people the muscle cells may be full of energy that doesn’t get completely used up during the day and that means that they don’t need a lot of extra energy to stay full.
If you exercise so that your muscles are emptied of their stored energy though then there’s lots of energy to be replaced and this is a very healthy situation for your body because it can store more glucose in your muscles and not so much in your fat cells.
With insulin being very important to fat storage and fat burning it makes sense then that a weight loss method and one that continues to work into the future needs to work to minimize the amount of insulin your body sends around your bloodstream. This will help you burn your own fat for energy and also not store anymore energy as fat.
Stress the Autonomic Nervous System and You

Trying to get more done than you have time to do? Don’t have enough money to pay the bills? The pressure at work, from friends or just the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Stress is a feeling we all experience when we are tested, challenged or overwhelmed. It’s a physical response connected like a network that travels throughout your entire body. It’s called the autonomic nervous system which can quickly allocate blood resources from your organs to your muscles and back depending on your emotional state. A familiar term used for this response is “fight or flight” the technical term is the sympathetic nervous system. This system when activated switches us from the parasympathetic state we are in on a normal basis.
A quick shot of stress can be useful, triggering a fast response to calm it down, like the butterflies you feel before public speaking. The system kicks into action to help you fight through those nervous feelings to accomplish the presentation, or as you jerk the wheel because of that close-call car accident you just avoided, the heart-pounding nervous feeling you experience after is the “flight or fight” system. However, when stress is activated too often and/or for long periods of time, that moment of fight-or-flight stress response has the power to cause damage to many cells throughout your body which can indirectly affect organs.
The autonomic nervous system exacerbates hormones in a sympathetic state, which acts on receptors to properly control blood flow throughout the body. The key hormones exacerbated are cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. As these hormones attach to the receptors, blood flow will increase or decrease in the area. In other words, the system acts like valves to control blood flow.
For instance; if a bear is racing towards you in the woods, it’s not as important to digest the chicken salad you ate for lunch, as it has become more important to RUN! The sympathetic nervous system is activated for self-preservation.
Learn to Manage Your Stress
Chronic stress can inhibit the function of immune cells, make you more susceptible to infections and slow the rate you heal. This stress disruption to your health will show signs including headaches, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritability, hair loss, acne, muscle tightness and sexual dysfunction. If you wish to enjoy the full length of your life, however long that is, it’s crucial that you learn to manage your stress to keep the sympathetic nervous system from being activated too often.
The hormone Cortisol which is exacerbated by stress is known to be anabolic to fat. This means high levels of cortisol will help you gain more fat. This should be more than enough reason to start seeking ways to control your level of stress.
Life will always be filled with stressful situations, the length of time it last will be determined by your ability to manage it.
Can the Damaging Effects of a Bad Diet be Counterbalanced with Exercise?
People don’t typically get fat from eating large sums of carbohydrates alone, as well as people don’t get fat from eating large sums of fat alone. It’s the combination of eating high amounts of both carbohydrates and fats together that adds up to a high caloric intake. Add a sedentary lifestyle into the mix and that’s a recipe for weight gain.
Is it possible to out-hustle our diet? Can we neutralize the damaging effects of a bad diet simply by routinely lifting weights and/or with some form of a cardio workout? These are interesting questions as we see countless people going in and out of neighborhood gyms or mid-day and late-night infomercials promoting the possibilities. We assume that the excess weight we carry derives from our bad diet, but it also could be the result of the lack of activity in our lives.
A popular yet controversial documentary film from 2004 called “Super Size Me” featured Morgan Spurlock’s 30-day adventure of only eating from the popular fast food restaurant McDonald’s menu. Morgan’s experiment came to be after watching a tv report about how two women were suing McDonald’s on claims their food made them obese. As ridiculous as the lawsuit sounds, the concept for the movie Super Size Me was born. Morgan only ate at McDonald’s for 30 straight days and if asked to “Super Size” his order the answer will always be yes. Morgan gained 24 pounds during the 30 days with 13% added to his body mass index. During the 30 days, Morgan had consumed over 30 pounds of sugar and 12 pounds of fat.
After watching the Super Size Me film one main take away is Morgan didn’t exercise at all during the film. What if the results of 24 pounds of extra body weight and the 13% increase in body mass would have been offset by a workout regimen. This science teacher re-enacted Super Size Me and added working out into the mix, the results are much different. John Cisna, the science teacher, weighed 280 pounds at the start of his McDonald’s-only diet. After 90 days, he had lost 37 pounds, after 180 days (six months) he lost 56 pounds! However, Mr. Cisna limited his daily intake to 2,000 calories and exercised for 45 minutes five times a week.
So, if in the science teachers experiment it’s possible to out hustle your diet if you keep the calories within a usable range. But plenty of diets are promoting low carbs or low-fat diets to a thinner you. How well do these diets work with exercise? Well, identical twins took this topic on for 30 days. In “One twin gave up sugar, the other gave up fat. Their experiment could change YOUR life”. One of the twins adhered to the low carb diet and exercise as the other adhered to the low fat and exercise diet. The weight loss results were comparable in the end but the energy to power through workouts was much different, which may have contributed to their differences in total weight loss.
A study called, the MATADOR study, featured 51 men with obesity divided into two groups. One group continuously dieted for 16 weeks with FIIT workouts, while the other group intermittently dieted two weeks with FIIT workouts on the diet then two weeks off the diet. 47 of the participants completed the study and the results showed higher weight and fat loss with the intermittent dieters over the continuous dieters!
For these examples of overcoming your bad diet with exercise, you can now begin to understand the truths to why the users of the Nutrisystem’s and Weight Watchers of the world receive their success. Or the millions of people who consume Herbalife Shakes or Isagenix Shakes products to lose weight. Each system, if followed correctly, will guarantee to lower your calories each day. Add in exercise and the chances of achieving success increase exponentially.
Important note: A standard deviation on food labels is important to understand. This means the government allows food companies to come within 20% of the content supplied on the food label. If the food label says 320 Calories per serving, it could mean 320 plus 20% or 384 Calories per serving. This is true for everything else on the label. So be careful when selecting your food by reading the labels.
It’s a blatantly false notion to accept the idea that you can not out hustle a bad diet. Exercise can offset the negative effects of poor eating habits. Most people, who have gained weight, did so by habitually eating above the necessary Calories their body requires to operate. Exercise is a great way to use more calories during the day and eating healthy will ensure you have enough energy to sustain perform your daily tasks.
Although studies have confused the public by implicating fast-food consumption as the culprit in the obesity epidemic, fast food, in fact, does not ensure added weight or body fat. If you routinely engage in exercise, the occasional fast food meal will not guarantee weight gain. However, by eating fast food and living a sedentary lifestyle will definitely set up a recipe for weight gain and health problems
So, to answer the question, Can the Damaging Effects of a Bad Diet be Counterbalanced with Exercise? If you overindulge, you must do something to get rid of the surplus in calories. The best way to use up the surplus is to engage in exercise. It’s highly recommended to engage in healthy eating, controlled intakes so your exercise is more impactful.
The Challenged Commitment to Dieting
When it comes to losing weight we always seem to have something in our way. From lunch with co-workers to family dinners to weekend hangouts and special occasions, it’s inherent that our general diet involves social interaction outside the boundaries we set for our weight loss efforts. And that thing is the ‘challenged commitment’ to dieting.
It doesn’t matter what diet rules you decide to adhere to, the low carb diet, low-fat diet, vegetable diet or any one of the hundreds of other diets. You will come up against obstacles that will derail your efforts and send you back to your old eating patterns.
The goal is how are we going to adhere to our new dieting rules during times our commitment to the diet is being challenged.
The Social Aspects of Eating
It’s easy to forget when setting up our diet plan that most of the eating we do is in a social setting. Many of us enjoy family meals or intimate couples’ meals to catch up on the happens of the day. How about when a co-worker turns and ask, what are you doing for lunch? Fact is, a lot of times the eating we do is done with other people. Social eating is the reason why it’s strongly recommended to announce to everyone that you’re on a diet. It will persuade them of deterring you from your diet.
Eating socially is a great practice, but while on a diet it can be problematic.
The Solution to the Challenged Commitment
There are several solutions to our challenged commitment to dieting. The top solution is to adjust your non-social eating levels. By reducing what you eat during by yourself, it will be easier to maintain your lower levels when with family and friends.
For example, if on a low carbohydrate diet. If you set your carbs to just 75 grams a day, you can eat an exceptionally low amount of carbs in the morning and chose low carb snacks in between lunch and dinner to compensate for the carbs you may eat at a restaurant. This will provide the flexibility to enjoy ourselves in the social setting and not have to worry about over doing it with our diet.
Another solution is to use the social aspects of eating to our advantage by enticing the usual people you socialize with while eating, to diet with you. Having a significant other on board with the same diet you’re on has countless benefits. This can ease the pain of restricting ourselves if at dinner and weekends are shared with someone with the same dieting goals.
Another solution is enticing your co-workers to do the same. If your significant other will not join you on the diet, maybe the co-workers you normally eat with will be willing to join you. Again, ease the pain of trying to restrict your diet at other times.
The best of both worlds would obviously be to have a significant other and co-workers on board with the diet.
When it comes to special events, like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. The best solution is to give extreme focus to your diet a few days before and a few days after the event. By doing this you can have fun at the event, eat what you want and get right back to focusing on the diet for the following day. You’ll be amazed at how well this works and almost forget how bad you ate during the event because it doesn’t matter to us!
When you come up against obstacles that will derail your efforts and challenge your commitment to your diet, remember we’re in it for long-term results. The derailment is only temporary, and it only takes one day of effort to get right back on your diet.